
Genetic Background:
Albino A++ is a striking leucistic strain, known for its creamy white coloration accented by subtle blue hues. While not a true albino, it retains some pigmentation, making it more practical for cultivation due to the visibility of its spores. This unique appearance, paired with its stable growth characteristics, makes Albino A++ a favorite among researchers and cultivators.

Albino A++ offers a quick onset, with reports of noticeable effects within just 30 minutes. Its balanced properties promote emotional clarity, cognitive enhancement, and mindfulness, providing a potent yet manageable experience. The rapid onset makes this strain particularly attractive for those seeking fast-acting and reliable results.

Growth Characteristics:
Renowned for its swift colonization and moderate growth speed, Albino A++ is accessible to cultivators of all skill levels. It thrives with standard cultivation techniques, though attention to environmental conditions such as humidity and temperature will ensure optimal results. While its maturation process can take a bit longer, this leads to robust, high-yield fruits that impress in both size and structure.

Albino A++ mushrooms boast a creamy white hue, often with hints of blue, which indicate their rich content. Medium to large in size, these visually captivating fruits are a standout addition to any collection, reflecting both beauty and the strain’s notable lineage.

Historical Significance:
Albino A++ is derived from the well-known A+ strain, continuing its legacy within the functional fungi community. Its evolution represents the constant innovation seen in mushroom cultivation, blending aesthetic appeal with consistent growth for research purposes.

Albino A++ spores are intended solely for educational, research, and identification purposes. Please ensure compliance with local laws and regulations before acquiring or handling these spores.

  • Colonization Fast
  • Harvest Normal
  • Resistance Big
  • Strength Normla
  • Incubation 21-24 oC
  • Fruiting 19-24 oC
  • Experience Begginer