
Genetic Background:
Wavy Cap is a unique species that thrives in coastal and temperate regions, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. This strain’s natural affinity for wood-rich, organic environments such as forest floors makes it an interesting study in ecological adaptation.

Growth Characteristics:
This strain is known for its specific environmental needs, favoring cooler and humid conditions with wood-based substrates. Given these specialized requirements, Wavy Cap is more suitable for advanced cultivation efforts, where researchers can explore its slow, steady growth and environmental resilience.

Wavy Cap is distinct for its uniquely wavy-edged caps that deepen in color as they mature. When handled, the mushrooms may develop blue-hued bruising, adding to their visual intrigue and making them a notable specimen for morphological studies.

Historical Significance:
Originally discovered in the Pacific Northwest, Wavy Cap has continued to draw interest for its resilience and adaptability within natural coastal ecosystems. It remains a valued species for mycologists studying fungi in temperate, coastal habitats.

Wavy Cap spores are intended solely for research, taxonomy, and educational purposes. Please comply with all local regulations when purchasing or handling these spores.

  • Colonization Fast
  • Harvest Big
  • Resistance Big
  • Strength Extremely strong
  • Incubation 21-24 oC
  • Fruiting 19-24 oC
  • Experience intermediate